
Upfront Material Information – Improving the speed and process of property transactions

This article provides a comprehensive overview of upfront material information and its impact on the real estate industry.

My article will highlight the benefits, myths, and potential opportunities that arise from implementing an upfront approach and will look at how estate agents can streamline the transactional process, enhance customer experience, and drive efficiency in home moving transactions by providing upfront information.


Property transactions in England and Wales are notoriously slow, with an ever present risk of a dreaded fall-through the longer the transaction takes to complete.

The real estate industry has been grappling with transaction delays and high fall-through rates for many years. The average transaction time ranges from 5 to 6 months and the fall-through rate currently stands at approximately 30%, causing frustration and financial impact for both property professionals and their customers.

The estimated cost of these delays and fall throughs is approximately £500m per year. Little wonder therefore that the spectrum of stakeholders involved in property transactions want a more efficient and fail-safe process that incorporates upfront material information

The Power of Upfront Material Information

Upfront material information presents a promising solution to the challenges for estate agents as it streamlines conveyancing cases. Gathering vital property information early in the selling process, ensuring that buyers have access to crucial details before making an offer. This upfront approach offers numerous benefits, including a speedier turnaround on the agents pipeline, faster and more efficient transactions. In turn this reduces the cost and stress for all parties involved.

Countries like Norway, where gathering comprehensive information upfront has proven to speed up the process, highlight the success of this approach but there are still those who remain unconvinced.

Debunking Myths Surrounding Upfront Material Information

One common misconception that goes against the upfront information approach is that providing more information upfront, may deter buyers from arranging to view a property. However, estate agents are skilled at finding the right buyers, even for properties with cosmetic flaws or potential downsides. Typically, the more information the agent has at their disposal, the better equipped they are to highlight the positives and present potential solutions for the negatives to the right buyer. In fact, if confronted upfront, this approach will often prevent renegotiations that can prolong the transaction process.

Another myth suggests that sellers may be hesitant to disclose material information upfront. It is worth noting however that, in a market where disinstruction rates are already high, collecting upfront material information can actually make clients more committed to the selling process. By disclosing all material facts to their agent, sellers are more invested with that agent and therefore less likely to switch agents at the first hurdle.

The Shift Towards a Consumer-Centric Approach

Upfront material information not only benefits estate agents and sellers but also prioritises the needs and expectations of buyers. Research shows that buyers feel more comfortable making offers when they have access to comprehensive information about the property from the start. By reducing uncertainty and empowering buyers to make more informed decisions, upfront material information can help stabilise the buyers mindset and foster a greater commitment to the transaction process. This shift towards a more consumer-centric approach can potentially reduce fall-through rates, improve customer satisfaction, and enable a smoother home moving experience

Building Collaborative Relationships between Conveyancers and Estate Agents

The implementation of upfront material information creates an opportunity for closer collaboration between conveyancers and estate agents. Proactive agents who educate sellers about the benefits of preparing property information upfront are more likely to secure instructions from clients. This collaboration not only improves the home moving experience for clients but also presents referral opportunities and strengthens the relationship between estate agents and conveyancers. By working together and sharing upfront material information, both stakeholders can drive efficiency, reduce transaction timescales, and provide a seamless experience for buyers and sellers

The Benefits of a Comprehensive Property Information Form

A central component of the upfront material information approach is the Property Information Form (PIF). This form collects essential information about the property, including disputes, alterations, notices, boundaries, and legal ownership, among other details. By providing a comprehensive overview of the property, the PIF enables conveyancers to identify potential issues early on, reducing delays and facilitating smoother transactions.

The Role of Technology in Facilitating Upfront Material Information

Historically, the PIF was manually coordinated and often the seller’s anecdotal information contradicted more formal information like the Land Registry data, which plays a crucial role in providing accurate insights into a property’s title and potential complexities. In fact, 40% of property transaction delays are blamed on managing enquiries, duplication of information or confusing communication. So, if we can achieve greater transparency and a ‘single version of the truth’ that everyone can confidently rely on, the entire home buying process can only be positively impacted.

To implement the collection and disclosure of upfront material information in an effective way, estate agents and stakeholders in the buying and selling process need technological solutions that streamline the collection and dissemination of property information. Digitising the collection of property information allows for easy completion and ensures that all necessary information is readily available to conveyancers.

APIs are one of the technology solutions that could be put to better use in this process. APIs allow separate systems to talk to each other and share information; fill in a form on one system, and that data can be used to populate fields on another system. Information from multiple sources and various datasets can be combined to form a single ‘source of truth’.

The data that is pulled through from Land Registry and Local Authorities is crucial to facilitate the property information in the Sellers Information Pack (SIP). By streamlining and digitising the processes of collecting this data, we can reduce duplication and enquiries, and make the transaction process smoother and faster.

There are already a number of digital platforms that provide a secure and convenient way for estate agents to collect and collaborate with conveyancers, sharing crucial information early in the process.

The Home Buying & Selling Group’s “Property Data Trust Framework (PDTF) – a set of data and technical standards, plus process rules that organisations involved in the property transaction agree to follow- is a great example of the technology that is moving the industry forward.

Crucially, a technological solution also ensure compliance with Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations and facilitate efficient communication between all parties involved


Upfront material information is a game-changer in the real estate industry, offering a more streamlined and consumer-centric approach to property transactions. By providing comprehensive information upfront, estate agents can enhance customer experience, reduce fall-through rates, and drive efficiency in the conveyancing process. Embracing technology, leveraging Land Registry and local authority data, and fostering collaborative relationships between conveyancers and estate agents are key to successfully implementing upfront material information. As the industry moves towards a more sustainable and efficient future, upfront material information proves to be an essential tool for estate agents navigating the ever-changing landscape of property transactions.

Remember, upfront material information is not a burden but an opportunity to empower buyers, sellers, and industry professionals. By embracing this approach, estate agents can transform the home moving experience and contribute to a more efficient and sustainable real estate market.

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